
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Good News! Update!

I went to the neurologist last week and got some great news; all I need to do is take some medication and watch my dang tumor. My tumor is called a micro adenoma and it’s very small. I started some medication that’s supposed to help keep it small and I’ll be getting MRI’s once a year to make sure that it isn’t growing. I will also be getting blood work done frequently to make sure that my hormone levels are staying in the normal range. If the blood work gets wacky then I get an MRI sooner. The concern for growths like this is that they are close to the optic nerve and if they grow large enough they can press on it causing vision problems and headaches. So, deep breath and relax! I’ve dealt with a ton of stress over this for a few weeks and I’m finally starting to feel better about all of it.
Now, my doctor told me that there’s no way to know how long I’ve had this growth or what caused it to decide that my head was a good place to live. However, this whole scare did make me realize that I need to make some changes for the better. I realize that I didn’t cause this tumor to happen, but I do think that I can do a better job of taking care of myself. Hugh and I are both healthy people. We work out and are in healthy ranges for our weight/cholesterol/blood pressure, etc. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for improvement (ok, the only person that really needs improvement is me. Hugh has almost no body fat so let’s just stop pretending that any of this applies to him). I do a great job of maintaining my weight, but I don’t eat consistently. There may be times when I eat too much and then times when I don’t eat much at all.
·         No more caffeine/cokes. I go through phases with coke. There will be times when I could drink two in a day and then I go through periods where I’ll not have them for a while. In the past, I’ve stopped drinking regular coke only to start sucking down the diet cokes. No more. I’m sure whatever is in them isn’t good for you.

·         Less processed food. Now I’m not going to go to the extreme and say that I won’t eat any processed foods, but I think I should significantly cut down on the amount of processed food that I consume. This includes processed sugar.

·         More fruit! I’ve tended to stay away from fruit because so much of it has a really high amount of sugar in it. No more. Fruit is healthy, and I like it.

·         Take vitamins. Ugh. I’m the worlds worst about taking vitamins. Maybe I need gummies.

While I know that these things may have no affect on my pituitary growth, I think they will do wonders to help me feel better overall. I want to be healthier and I think this will help me achieve that.
Thanks again to everyone that said prayers for me. I know it helped!

1 comment:

  1. Okay first of all, I feel like a bad friend for just reading about this now. I am really glad to know that this is a treatable thing!! It also kind of made me realize that maybe I should go get my blood work done soon... and maybe adhere to some more diet rules. Jared is like 0% body fat too, so unfair. They should start some kind of skinny boy club...
