Whoa! My belly is HUGE.
I can’t believe that our little one will be here in less than 10 weeks. Hugh and I took our hospital tour last week and it was a little scary. Seeing the delivery rooms and nursery just seemed all too REAL to me. I guess in my mind this has all seemed to be a far off ordeal, but in reality it’s just around the corner.
Hugh and I found a few things for the baby’s room recently. We haven’t really bought much for decoration since we don’t know the gender of the baby. We stumbled upon a cute lamp at Marshall’s that’s white and green with elephants and a white and green piggy bank. I love them both and it was fun putting them in the nursery. We’ve been keeping the door to the nursery open lately and I’ve noticed that Cassie will make rounds through there. I’m hoping that the dogs adjust well to having a little one around.
How I feel: Good! Starting to get a little slower. I’ve noticed that I’m sleepier lately than I have been. My neighbor and I competed in a neighborhood 5K this Saturday. He’s 84 and a WWII veteran. He’s in great shape and we had a good time. I’m sure we made a great pair; the big pregnant lady and the octogenarian. The local American Legion put on the race and the greatest irony ever was having the veteran in her mid-thirties hand my neighbor his commemorative dog tags. He thought it was hysterical.
Food: No craving or aversions, really. I’ve been eating less lately. I’m just not as hungry as I have been. In fact, we had to stop at the doctor’s this past week and I’d actually lost 3 pounds instead of gaining. Don’t worry; I’m sure I’ll gain it back!
Baby: The baby moves constantly. I think he/she recognizes Hugh’s voice. Every night he talks to my belly and the baby always responds. I think it’s very cute and endearing…at least until I get a kick in the ribs!
We have an appointment with the doctor this Thursday and I’m curious to see if she can tell if the baby is still breech. I know we have plenty of time for he/she to still turn an put its legs down, but I’d like to get compliant as soon as possible. I can't wait to meet our little one!
You look so great! I'm impressed with the 5k!