
Monday, June 25, 2012


I knew the entire time I was pregnant that I wanted to breastfeed Aiden. I knew that if I had enough determination, it would work out. I should have known…

From the beginning; Aiden wouldn’t latch correctly. It didn’t matter how many lactation consultants helped: it just wasn’t happening. No biggie. I was willing to pump every time she needed to feed so she could drink my breast milk from a bottle. It didn’t matter to me how she got the breast milk, as long as she was getting it.
I started pumping 8-10 times a day and feeding her strictly from a bottle. It was HARD, but I was willing to do it for her. I was producing more than double than what she was eating, so we started freezing my milk. 

After three weeks, we took Aiden in to the doctor. She was having poops every 30-45 minutes and they were really gross. They smelled and looked awful, which was the opposite of everything that we’d been told to expect. She was very fussy, cried through most of the night, and spit up large amounts of her food. She was always hungry, almost every 1.5 hours. The doctor decided to go ahead a treat her for reflux and asked us to bring in a dirty diaper when we had the chance. She wanted to test it to see if there was anything else going on.

Two days later, (my birthday…actually) we’d had a horrible night. She was up almost the entire night screaming. She finally fell asleep around 8 that morning and Hugh urged me to sleep in. I just KNEW something was wrong. Instead of sleeping, I changed her and took her in to have the dirty diaper checked. The nurse called me back and the doctor came in to let me know that there was blood in Aiden’s diaper. They diagnosed her with Milk Protein Allergy (NOT lactose intolerance). While I’ve read everything under the sun about it now, I still like the way her pediatrician explained it to me. Breast milk has milk proteins in it. Aiden seemed to have an allergy to the proteins that caused her to have the inability to break them down. Her intestines were reacting by getting inflamed and bleeding. 

Our options?

I could eliminate all dairy and soy from my diet. After that, I could take a prescription medication to help further breakdown the proteins in my diet that bother her. Then, I could continue to breast feed. Aiden might be less fussy, but since NO MATTER WHAT I would still have the milk proteins in my milk, she would have to be checked periodically for anemia. Her intestines would still bleed.


I could stop breastfeeding. She would need a special non-milk based formula (translation: $$$). The bleeding would stop-as would most of the fussiness. She would most likely outgrow the allergy before she was a year old and would start regular cow’s milk like all other children.

I started crying. Right there in the office. Her pediatrician gave me a hug and told me that I needed to let go of the “Mommy Guilt”. I was devastated that my OWN milk was making her sick. I wanted to breastfeed her so badly, but I wasn’t going to continue if it would cause her pain. I was completely devastated.

After Hugh talked me down from the ledge in the parking lot, so to speak, I went home and mixed up a bottle of the formula that the doctor gave us. She sucked it down and slept. She didn’t fuss or cry, and better yet…she didn’t have nasty bowel movements immediately after. After about 24 hours on the formula her color was better and she was more alert. I had no idea what a difference it could make.

She’s 100% formula fed now. I’m slowly weaning from breastfeeding. I was producing too much milk to just stop cold turkey so I’ve been pumping and freezing the milk. We were going to donate it, but a friend of ours is taking it and using it for their daughter. I’m so happy that it’s getting used.

I feel like this was my first lesson in motherhood. Sometimes, we don’t always get what we want and no matter how determined we are for something to happen a certain way; it just doesn’t. The only thing that matters is that Aiden is happy and healthy.

Aiden: Age 1 Month!


Aiden: Age 1 Month!

WOW…I can’t believe an entire month has gone by. Time is flying by and our little bug is growing very fast. 

Things you can do:
Sleep in your own crib! (since your were 2 weeks old)

Make your Dad gag with your poopy diapers. 

When you’re hungry, you don’t mind letting everyone know.

Your neck is very strong! You do tummy time everyday with your dad and I’m constantly amazed with your strength.

You’re slowly spending more time awake during the day. You look around and seem to just be taking everything in. 

You can go through 3 outfits during the night from spitting up on them. I never in my life realized that someone could spit up so much food. 

You're finally outgrowing most of your preemie size clothes and are wearing newborn sizes. You're wearing newborn size diapers and drinking 3oz at every feeding.You weigh close to 8lbs!

Your dad bought this bear for you from Costco the week we learned that we were expecting you. It’s huge. If it had the capability of standing, it would measure 5ft. tall. We’ve decided to take your picture with it each month to see how much you’re growing. Unfortunately, you’re a bit too small for us to see you AND the bear yet. That’s ok, your dad was more than happy to hold you for a photo.

Monday, June 4, 2012

2 Weeks Old!

Aiden is 2 weeks old today! We celebrated by taking her to the doctor for her 2 week check and driving through Subway on the way home. 

Today, Aiden weighs 6lbs, 11ozs and is 19.25 inches long. She’s in the 11% for height and the 9% for weight! She’s gained almost a pound back from what she lost after her birth. 

Aiden is currently eating around every 3 hours in the daytime and about the same at night. We were given the go-ahead to allow her to sleep until she wakes at night. Hugh and I are very relieved because we’d been feeding her every 2-3 hours around the clock. Aiden has never latched very well so instead of feeding from the breast, I’m pumping and she’s drinking breast milk from a bottle. As sad as I was that I haven’t been able to effectively breast feed her, I’m very happy that Hugh is getting to be an equal partner in the feeding process. I know that he enjoys getting to feed her. The only downside is that while I may not actually be breastfeeding her, I’m still having to pump every time she eats. This makes for some VERY long nights. If I miss a chance to pump then I run the risk of decreasing my milk supply.
Hugh and I are over the moon about our baby girl. She’s precious and beautiful and perfect. I find myself just staring at here in complete awe over the fact that Hugh and I MADE her. I understand the science…I took Biology and Health in school; but it’s simple magic that made her. It’s amazing to me that she’s a part of me and Hugh.

I can honestly say that after two weeks of parenthood I can admit that I’ve learned a few things:
  • ·         I didn’t realize that it was possible to function on so little sleep.
  • ·         I didn’t realize that I could love someone so much, even though she’s the reason I’m sleepy!
  • ·         The dogs are adjusting just fine.
  • ·         We definitely needed more than 3 bottles.
  • ·         Our house will never be the same.
  • ·         I know nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing has prepared us for this!
Here are some more photos!

Mom and Aiden

Daddy and Aiden

Play time...or nap time?

Little Ladybug!

Tummy time with Daddy!

Aiden Eleanora McCrea


Our first family photo!

Whew! Hugh and I are tired. Aiden is two weeks old today and I finally have a few minutes to write about how she came to be in this world. 

Sunday, May 20th
Hugh and I had a busy day. We went to do some baby gear shopping at Target and then decided to walk around in the Memorial City Mall for a while. MISTAKE! It didn’t take us but about 5 minutes to remind me why Hugh and I steer clear of malls. People are just weird. ANYWAYS…we went to HEB, did some shopping and ate a late lunch. This is when the contractions started. They were painful, but inconsistent. When we came home I pestered Hugh into taking a walk with me in the neighborhood. I’d been dilated for two weeks and I had decided that it was time to bring on the LABOR! After our walk, in which I’m pretty sure we both almost had a heat stroke, we went over to our neighbor’s house to swim and cool off.

We came home and the contractions started to get closer and closer together. We called the doctor and she suggested that we go in to Labor and Delivery and get checked. I told Hugh that we were just going to wait. I went and took a shower, fixed my hair, checked our packed bags and then decided to live in denial. Hugh put his foot down at around 9:30pm and decided that we were going in. Good Decision.

While I was definitely having contractions, they weren’t the concern. Every time I would have a contraction Aiden’s heart rate would dip. The nurse explained that in certain positions the baby might have been laying on the umbilical cord causing her heart rate to dip too low. I was placed on oxygen and turned on my right side. My doctor decided to admit me overnight and monitor the contractions and heart rate. About an hour after I was admitted I had an ultrasound to check cord placement and my amniotic fluid level. My fluid level was low, and it seemed that I’d had a slow leak for a few days. I spent the night getting IV fluids, going on and off oxygen and being moved from my right side to my left and then to sitting straight up. Her heart rate did crazy things with every contraction.

The next morning, the new nurse came in and informed us that my doctor had called and after she had watched my monitor all night she’d decided that I needed to be induced. IT WAS BABY DAY!!!
Hugh and I were shocked. Even though we knew that we were headed in this direction, nothing ever really prepares you for the realization that you’re going to have a baby THAT DAY. The nurse brought in pitocin, hooked it up to my IV and we were starting! Around 8:30 my doctor came in to break whatever was left of my water. I kept waiting to feel this huge gush of water, but apparently I’d really been losing fluid overnight. No gush. Nothing like the movies.

The contractions started getting stronger immediately. I went from being mildly uncomfortable to serious pain in about an hour. AND…I seemed to stop dilating, but that didn’t stop the pain. I ended up getting my epidural a few hours into labor, but I was only dilated to 2cm. The epidural was the BEST THING in the world. I went from extreme pain to being comfortable in about 20 minutes. It was a Godsend. 

Hugh was great the entire time. When it was time to push, he held my hand, supported my back and made sure I got oxygen in between contractions. I pushed for about 45 minutes and little Aiden Eleanora McCrea was born! I’ll never forget the moment that the doctor announced, “It’s a girl!”. I was so excited to meet her. It had been a long pregnancy not knowing if we were having a boy or girl. She was placed right on my chest, eyes open and Hugh cut the cord.

Aiden was 6lbs 9ozs and 18.5 inches long. She was born at 5:58pm after 10 hours of labor on May 21st 2012. She was 3 weeks early. Hugh and I are so in love with our baby girl.

Hugh and I were left alone with Aiden for about an hour after she was born. It was awesome. I managed to nurse her some and Hugh and I just spent the time staring at our perfect little baby. After that, Hugh went outside and announced the birth to our families. 

Here are some of the pictures from her first few days of life.