
Monday, June 4, 2012

2 Weeks Old!

Aiden is 2 weeks old today! We celebrated by taking her to the doctor for her 2 week check and driving through Subway on the way home. 

Today, Aiden weighs 6lbs, 11ozs and is 19.25 inches long. She’s in the 11% for height and the 9% for weight! She’s gained almost a pound back from what she lost after her birth. 

Aiden is currently eating around every 3 hours in the daytime and about the same at night. We were given the go-ahead to allow her to sleep until she wakes at night. Hugh and I are very relieved because we’d been feeding her every 2-3 hours around the clock. Aiden has never latched very well so instead of feeding from the breast, I’m pumping and she’s drinking breast milk from a bottle. As sad as I was that I haven’t been able to effectively breast feed her, I’m very happy that Hugh is getting to be an equal partner in the feeding process. I know that he enjoys getting to feed her. The only downside is that while I may not actually be breastfeeding her, I’m still having to pump every time she eats. This makes for some VERY long nights. If I miss a chance to pump then I run the risk of decreasing my milk supply.
Hugh and I are over the moon about our baby girl. She’s precious and beautiful and perfect. I find myself just staring at here in complete awe over the fact that Hugh and I MADE her. I understand the science…I took Biology and Health in school; but it’s simple magic that made her. It’s amazing to me that she’s a part of me and Hugh.

I can honestly say that after two weeks of parenthood I can admit that I’ve learned a few things:
  • ·         I didn’t realize that it was possible to function on so little sleep.
  • ·         I didn’t realize that I could love someone so much, even though she’s the reason I’m sleepy!
  • ·         The dogs are adjusting just fine.
  • ·         We definitely needed more than 3 bottles.
  • ·         Our house will never be the same.
  • ·         I know nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing has prepared us for this!
Here are some more photos!

Mom and Aiden

Daddy and Aiden

Play time...or nap time?

Little Ladybug!

Tummy time with Daddy!

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