
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Are you still blogging?

I can’t believe that I haven’t been writing. It’s crazy. I love to write, and it’s a healthy outlet for me. 

However, Aiden takes up pretty much all of my time. When I do get a break I find that I usually would prefer to just sit and rest, or go for a run…or perhaps stare at the wall.

Hugh and I are doing well. We’ve been able to go out three times for dates! We went out for a concert and an overnight stay in July. We weren’t gone but about 18 hours, but it was incredible. We went to The Woodlands and saw Bare Naked Ladies perform (Great Concert!) and stayed at a hotel. My mom kept Aiden and we were SO GREATFUL that I can’t even describe it. We missed Aiden, but I know that we both needed the sleep. The other time we got out was actually up at the lake. Mac and Theresa watched Aiden for a few hours while we went over to a pool party with some friends. Sadly, it was actually the first sun that I’d gotten all summer. We had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Our last date was actually last weekend. Hugh and I took advantage of Houston Restaurant Weeks and went to dinner down at Ruths Chris. Dinner was fantastic. SERIOUSLY delicious. YUM!

Hugh and I have made some major changes to our diets. Hugh and I have always eaten pretty decently, but prior to having Aiden we were each spending at least an hour a day at the gym. Our current life is not conducive to that schedule so we decided to change our diets to make up for it. We’ve been eating “clean” for the past week. The food is good, but we’ve chosen to eliminate the majority of carbs. That, my friends, is what sucks. There’s only so much ground turkey and steamed vegetables that you can eat before you just want to NOT eat instead. There are many more options with the type of food that we can eat, but we’ve also been trying to streamline our cooking. This past week, I cooked all of our food for the entire week on Sunday. Everything was pre-portioned and simply had to heated and eaten. It just gets boring. We’re working out the kinks so I’ll let you know how it changes as we go.

Alright, I’m exhausted. It’s only 9:30, but sleep seems so gooooooood.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to eat healthy here for a while, I really did, but I failed miserably. It's SO HARD to find things that are readily accessible in the US. Like frozen veggies! Anyway, I want to try Paleo -- but I think it has to wait until I get back.
