
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Aiden-4 months old!


Weight: 12lbs 3oz (10th percentile)
Height: 25 inches (74th percentile)

 Aiden and Mommy watching the Texans Game! I love her leggings. I found them on Etsy and chose the bow to go with both the Texans and Penn State!

 Aiden in her jumper! Ignore the Advanced Accounting book. She's not reading it, just standing on it.

She’s growing! Hugh and I were shocked when the doctor informed us of her height. She grew 2 inches in 2.5 weeks. We’d gone in 2.5 weeks before to get some help with an eczema flare up, so I hadn’t really expected her to have grown much more. We are so happy that she’s getting bigger.

Aiden is offered 6oz of formula at each feeding and she sometimes eats it all, and sometimes not so much. She holds her bottle, though not for the entire feeding. The spitting up is just as bad, if not worse this week. We’re hoping that adding in some food will help.We got the green light to start with purees of stage 1 food, having decided to skip rice cereal. Our adventures so far have brought us to realizing how much of a mess that one child can make. Aiden seems to love sweet potatoes, but she doesn’t love us feeding her. She wants to hold the spoon-and when you give it to her she jabs it in her mouth, down her throat and gags. Then, she looks at me as if I were the one that gagged her. *sigh* :)

Aiden sleeps a minimum of 12 hours each night. We are very, very blessed to have a baby that sleeps. It’s awesome and I can’t say how appreciative we are. She will at times sleep up to 14 hours which may or may not have prompted a phone call to the pediatrician’s office to see if I needed to wake her.

Rolling, rolling, rolling…!!! She loves to roll. When we’re on the ground for playtime she is no longer interested in playing on her back. She is going to roll and try SO HARD to figure out how to crawl. She kind of scoots, and while she manages to get her knees up under her I think we’re still a few months away from any actually forward movement. We’ve started putting her in the Baby Einstein jumper. She loves it. It’s fun to watch her play with everything and bounce around. She also likes to stand (with us holding her) and to sit. We have to support her, but I think she really enjoys the different perspective.

The weather has been nice lately and we’ve been taking some great walks every day. Aiden seems to enjoy the stroller….which means that she typically passes out before the quarter mile mark.

Her favorite toys are her O-Ball rattle, Scout the Dog and this little cook book that her Uncle Jordan and Aunt Krystal got her.

She is still wearing 3 month size clothing. Some of her onesies have gotten too short for her, but when we try the 6 month ones they just swallow her. Maybe in a few weeks we'll be able to make the move up!

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