
Monday, December 10, 2012

Aiden 6 Months!

Yeah, yeah, yeah…I’m behind. I get it. Whatevs.

Aiden was 6 months old on November 21st! I really can't believe that it's been 6 months. I'm in shock to realize it.

Height: 27 inches! 96th%

Weight: 14lbs 15th%

She has seriously grown! Hugh and I are both happy with her growth. We were trying not to worry about her being so small, and this makes us both feel better. She is so long. We put her in 6th month clothing and it’s starting to get too short, yet she can still wear 3 month clothing in her waist. Maybe she’ll get her Mother’s height and her Father’s metabolism.  Every girl’s dream!

Aiden is eating everything. She’s moved up to stage 2 foods and she’s a happy little eater. We’ve also started giving her puffs. Originally, I thought we would just give her Cheerios (MUCH cheaper) but the puffs dissolve very quickly which is good for babies that only have a few teeth. I will also admit that I caved and spent more money than I’d like to admit on the organic puffs because they have less sugar than the Gerber Ones. Thank goodness for Amazon Mom. She has gotten very good at feeding herself, but she’s also quite happy to share her puffs with the dogs. Tobey seems to have a newfound love for Aiden.

We’ve discovered a few things that Aiden isn’t too keen on eating. One is green beans. When we feed these to her, she just leaves her mouth open and lets them fall out. Awesome. She also makes faces. However, if she gets to eat real green beans, she likes them. I’m guessing that I wouldn’t like baby food green beans either. We also made one mistake with an Ella’s Kitchen Organics pouch of “Broccoli, Pears and Peas”. Never again. She actually spit these at us. Her doctor told us not to stress over what we feed her. The majority of her nutrition comes from her formula, so the food is just “extra”.

We are still staying away from all milk products. This can be tough when looking for food. As she’s allowed to eat more complex food, the chances of milk or cream being an ingredient is certainly increased.

At 6 months Aiden is able to sit on her own and crawl. She’s getting quite good at being mobile. In fact, we have had to move our coffee table into the library to give her some more room. She’s trying to pull up on stuff and it makes me nervous. She has no fear. Mommy has plenty. Her favorite toys right now would have to be her Dinosaur (it pops plastic balls in the air) and anything that she’s not supposed to have. We’ve recently started letting her sleep with a “lovey” and she’s very happy with that.

She’s still sleeping through the night, even though she’s been waking up earlier. She typically sleeps about 11-12 hours and it’s a blessing. It’s the only time that we’re able to really get stuff done. Every once in a while, she’ll wake us up at 2am for food. It seems to be when she’s in a growth spurt and we sure don’t mind feeding our hungry baby girl.


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