
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Friday was a little crazy. Last week was a tough week at work. The layoffs happened last week and everyone spent the entire week on pins and needles. I got one of the dreaded emails from my boss that said, “Please come see me in my office.” YIKES!!! I sat outside his office trying not to puke up the pool water from my morning swim. He brought me in and told me that my job was safe “for now”. WHEW!!! I was very relieved, but the truth of the matter is; there is no more security in education. It’s gone. I realize that 99% of jobs don’t ever have security, but education has always been safe. There will always be children to teach therefore there should always be jobs. Unfortunately we’re in an economic downturn that is hurting education like never before. I’m truly worried about the future of education. Children are taught to pass tests so the schools can get their state and federal money. It’s more sad than anything. I’m no longer in the classroom, but I do see the changes that are happening.

I have to stop writing about this. It just upsets and frustrates me. I spent all last week with my stomach in knots about it.

I digress. It was Friday afternoon of an epically long week and I was waiting for the window repairman. He was supposed to be at the house “after 3:30” which apparently translates to 5:15 on Monday. I obviously have not been privileged to see the glass-man time table so I spent my Friday afternoon being frustrated. I cleaned the house like a crazy woman, couldn’t have a glass of wine because of our ride the next morning, and just stewed about the week. Sure enough, as I was approaching the emotional breakdown point Hugh walked inside the house with these:

Just because. I love him!

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet and precious husband you have!

    I'm so sorry you have been going through all that stress. I feel the same way about the Texas schools. Some serious changes are necessary for the quality of education, and I don't know that they will ever happen. It's sad.
