
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A hard week.....

I’ve had a tough week. Not since Monday. More of a Tuesday through Wednesday kind of thing.

About two weeks ago I had to have my blood drawn. I take medication for my thyroid and needed to have it checked. My Dr. decided to run a full hormone panel on me just to make sure that I wasn’t having any other types of issues. (Thyroid is a hormone) Last Tuesday I got a phone call at home from my Dr. calling to let me know that one of my hormone levels was high and that I needed to have an MRI of my brain done. I was really confused. She explained to me that in some cases if that particular hormone level is high that it can mean there is a tumor on the pituitary gland causing it to secrete too much hormone.

I was in shock. I never in a million years expected to get a phone call like that. The hospital called me and set up my MRI for last Friday. The MRI itself sucked. It took a few tries to get my IV in since they had to do it with and without contrast. They put these sandbag type things around your head and a cage that looks like something Darth Vader wore over your face. They kept asking me if I was claustrophobic, and I have to say that I was starting to feel a tiny bit closed in. Bleh.

I spent the next few days stressed beyond belief with worry about what the results would be. I got the call today at work. I have a small tumor in my brain on my pituitary gland. I’m being referred to a neurologist to be evaluated. The good news is that IT’S NOT CANCER! I’m happy about that. Thrilled, in fact. However; I’m still not exactly excited to know that I have a tumor in my head. I feel violated just knowing it’s there. Yuck.

As much as I love the internet it can also be a little TOO much information. From what I’ve read the type of tumor that I have is usually treated either with a life-long medication regimen or by having it surgically removed. I think the best thing is to just stop reading about it and wait to see what the neurologist suggests. 

When it all comes down to it I’m thankful that it’s not cancerous. I know that it’s going to be ok. BUT, it’s scary as hell. It’s hard to go through my normal day and to try and not think about it. I’m just ready to get with the neurologist and get some more answers. I’m happy knowing that Hugh will be by my side. He does a good job of keeping me from allowing my imagination to run wild. 

I’ll keep you guys posted on what I learn. If you’re the praying type I’d appreciate you sending some my way.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Running Conversations...

I’ve been working very hard at getting ready for the MUDRUN that’s coming up in less than two weeks. I essentially picked up my Couch 2 5k app up at week 4 (ouch!) and I’ve been pounding the pavement ever since. I’m doing well. I’ve stopped staring at the ground when I run and I’m now happily moving along at 17 minute increments. Anything more than that and I’m an unhappy camper. However; if I will slow down and walk for only a minute I can get right back into running mode and do another long installment. CRAZY! I’m the most MENTAL person when it comes to running. I’m working as hard as I can to become a “runner” but I’m starting to wonder if it’s ever going to be something that I really and truly enjoy.
Hugh is a great runner. He has the build of a long distance runner but he doesn’t enjoy it. In fact, let me share with you a conversation we had while walking around the lake in our subdivision Sunday morning.
Jenn: “As hard as I’m working with the running thing I’m just not sure that I’ll ever love it. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be a runner.”
Hugh: “I hate running.”
Jenn: “I know you hate it, but you’re good at it. Do you even keep track? How do you know how far you’re going?”
Hugh: “I don’t. I just run until I’m tired and then I stop.”
Jenn: “Um. Yeah. If I did that I wouldn’t make it past the mailbox.”
We changed subjects for a minute because I was busy looking at someone’s amazing backyard and almost stepped on a fish head that had been left on the sidewalk (we’re walking on the sidewalk between the houses and their docks) and Hugh thought I was having a seizure when I was simply attempting to not step on said fish head.
Jenn: “So you have no desire to ever become a marathon runner?”
Hugh: “No. In fact; my worst nightmare involves me having to run a long distance with someone following me and brushing their teeth the entire time.”
Jenn: “Hmm….I think my worst nightmare would be running a long distance with someone NOT brushing their teeth behind me. Dirty teeth are so gross.”
So there you have it. An insider’s look to what Hugh and I spend our time discussing while we’re out and about. Also, you now know that Hugh hates the sound of someone brushing their teeth.
I know that I’ll be ready for the MUDRUN on October 8th. It’ll be fun and I know we will both enjoy it. I’m just going to keep at it with the running and focus on what I’m going to wear instead of worrying about the run.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Today I co-hosted a Jack & Jill shower for my sister Chelsey and future brother-in-law Eddie. We held the shower at the Wings & More Party Room in College Station and it was great! The shower was for all of their friends and family in the B/CS area and we all had a good time. We had all of the yummy food from Wings & More and we even let had the Texans game on for entertainment. I think Chelsey and Eddie had fun and we made it as painless as possible for two people that particularly care to be in the spotlight. We are all excited about the upcoming wedding festivities! Check out some of the pictures from the afternoon.

 The cake! My mom got this from Kroger and it was delicious. She bought the ornament at Michael's and designed the cake around it. 

 The bridal party!

 Melissa Jo and Chelsey

 The bride and groom!!!! Chelsey and Eddie

 My parents with Chelsey and Eddie. Oh, and Jackson too. 

 The party room. We all had a great time.

Me with my cutie sister the bride! I don't think we look alike, but I think we both clean up pretty well. ;)

A big thanks goes out to Hugh for taking such great pictures.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Epic European Adventure, Volume 7

After Hugh and I had been up for 3.5 hours (with about 3 hours of sleep) we met up with our free tour and headed out towards the Highlands. The day promptly turned from cold and sunny to cold and rainy. We started out of town and but first stopped to take pictures of a bridge. It’s a cool bridge, and if I could recall the name I would tell you. It is very cool looking, though.

Hugh spent the majority of our travel time during this tour sleeping. I might have dozed a little myself, but who can blame us? We’d been up for hours and then sat in a small tour bus for a long drive. The weather was gloomy and we were SLEEPY! Hugh and I probably spent $25 this day on hot drinks and coke. Every time we stopped we were looking for something to help keep us awake.

The highlights of the day trip would have to be the William Wallace monument, meeting Hamish the famous cow, the pretty “drunken” loch, and the Monty Python castle. The William Wallace monument is really interesting. The structure is beautiful and it’s high up on a hill. It took us about a 10 minute hike in the rain, but it was worth it for the view. Unfortunately the rain was coming down at a pretty quick rate so we didn’t pull the camera out. Hugh did manage to get a few pictures from the bottom of the hill looking up at the monument, but there’s condensation on the lens. At this particular location we both drank some hot tea to try and wake up.

Hairy Coo’s!!! I know in a previous post I mentioned that the name of the tour was called The Hairy Coo. (Coo=Cow when you have a brogue) Did I mention that the bus was actually painted to look like one? It was orange, had a smile face and two ears hanging off the side. We stopped in a small town where we got to meet Hamish the famous bull. Hamish is a bull that had spent his life on the roadside where people would stop and feed him. According to our tour guide he’d even starred in a few movies. He’s quite large and had the required Justin Bieber hair cut. A few years ago England was struck with a spreading case of Mad Cow Disease. All cattle that were under the age of 7 would get a vaccine, but any cattle that were older would have to be put to death. At this time Hamish was 10. The woman that owned Hamish started a petition to have his life spared. Apparently he gets thousands of visitors a day so she was able to rack up a large amount of signatures. The petition ended up on the Queen’s desk and she granted him a royal pardon. She even came out and visited him one day. YAY!!! Hamish was saved! I do have to say that the cows were cute. Much cuter than our cows. You can buy parsnips to feed them, but if you touch a cow when you’re overseas you can get into trouble with the customs people. Humans can transfer Mad Cow Disease (aka Foot & Mouth disease) and they don’t take that very lightly when you’re coming through customs in Houston. Hugh and I just took pictures and let the Scottish guide get his hands slobbery. Oh, I think we had a coke on this stop.

I love, love, LOVE Monty Python. Hilarious. Simply hilarious. If you’ve never watched Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail you must correct this oversight. It’s awesome. We stopped at the castle where the movie was filmed. It was fun to walk around and hear the story of how it was the comedy troupe’s only option for a castle. Apparently they’d been trying to rent a castle for a while but nobody wanted to rent out their castle to them. Our guide had some coconuts on a string that we walked around with while we were there so we could sound like the “horses” in the movie. This is also where Hugh decided to pull out our new lens and take a few photos of the flowers on the property. He did a great job!

Our last stop for the day was at some various lochs through the Highlands. They were all gorgeous. It’s hard to put into words the beauty of the land. Hugh and I decided that if we ever make it back to Scotland we’d like to spend some extended time out in the Highlands. You can hike forever and all of the water you see is crystal clear (and cold!). My only wish would have been for it to have rained a little less. We were prepared with our raincoats; but it’s still a hindrance. However, as green as Scotland is I have a feeling that the rain is a common occurrence.

We finished our day by coming home and going to bed! We were exhausted but happy that we took the tour and see the Highlands.
 This is the really cool bridge on the way out of town.

 The William Wallace Monument from the bottom of the hill. Now that I look at it I see that it kind of looks like a penis. Hmmm..

 Loch Drunkie: Its name comes from a time when bootleggers would toss barrels of whisky into the lake to hide from the authorities. There's a small wall on the right side that is actually ruins from the Normans.

 Oh yeah...we rode around in this.

 Hairy Coo!!! Notice the bangs?

 Hugh and the Hairy Coo. It sounds like a great name for a children's book....or one of those shows that require a subscription to watch.

 The Monty Python castle. 

 Hugh's practice with the fixed 50mm lens. Love the flowers!

Alright guys...I've only got London and Stonehenge left to write. I might break London down into two parts so I can give the British Museum its own post. :)


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where did Jenn go??

Whoa! I haven’t blogged in forever.
I’m going to quit beating myself up about it and simply tell you about what all Hugh and I have been up to. Hugh and I have gotten moved in and semi-settled. We’re down to one room full of boxes and we’re in no hurry to get them unpacked. We LOVE the new place. The dogs are enjoying all of the extra room to the extent that I have to DRAG them inside every afternoon to cool down for a while and we’ve had to increase their food intake because they were losing weight. One of the best moments we’ve had in the house happened this past Sunday. Hugh and I had gotten up early so we went down to the Heights and got tacos for breakfast. We came back and sat on the back porch and read the paper (ok, I read the ads and comics) while the puppies played in the yard. It was so relaxing and we were both so very happy. :) Of course, the temperature was in the 70’s. That might have helped a little.
I decided last January to do an administrative certification program that didn’t seem too tough or time consuming. The deal was that I would be able to use my technology internship documents for the internship thus making it not a big deal. I mean, who would sign up to write an additional thesis when you’ve already completed one? Well….come to find out there’s a lot more work involved in this last class and I’m semi-drowning in the paperwork. I only have 2 ½ weeks left to get it all done and then I can relax and be home free, but getting there is consuming most of my time. That is essentially what I’ve been up to and why I haven’t been blogging.
Hugh and I hosted our nephew Jackson’s first birthday party last weekend at our new place. It was a great success and I’ll post pictures as soon as I get a chance.
I will also finish blogging about our summer travels. I PROMISE!
Last Monday Hugh and I decided to sign up for the Houston Mud Run sponsored by the National MS Society. This is the same group that does the MS 150 bike ride every year.  It’s a 10k run (6.4 miles) with over 15 muddy obstacles thrown in. I think it’s going to be a ton of fun but there’s a wee small problem with my running ability: I have none. Hugh swears that it’s all mental with me. I can swim miles at a time and yet when you ask me to run a mile it’s as if my legs don’t understand.  So, I did the only think I could think of: I decided to pick up the Couch to 5k program on my iPod starting at week 5. I had been using this back in January when I decided that I wanted to be able to run 3 miles without stopping. I quit using it when I was swimming 5 days a week. Thus far I’m doing fine and I’m having no problems keeping up with the running program. In fact, when I ran yesterday I was able to continue on past the stopping point. Since I only have 4 weeks left my goal is simply to be able to run for 30 minutes at a time without stopping. If I can get to that point I know I’ll be fine. Plus, signing up and paying my money was definitely the best motivation I could give myself. We’ll see! I’ll keep you updated on the progress.
Monday Goals: I decided to give them a try and I have to be honest and say that I seem to suck at them. I write the goals down and then stress about getting them done, and then I give myself a hard time if I wasn’t able to complete them. Since the whole point of goal setting is motivation and focus I feel like I’m missing the whole point. Maybe I just need therapy. Lots of therapy. So, for now I’m going to hold off on them. I might try doing them again in a few weeks when my stress level is a little bit lower, or I might just try something different. We’ll see what happens.
Have a great week!