
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday Thoughts....

  • Off brand hand sanitizer smells like a cheap drink.
  • Why on earth would anyone ever find themselves in a situation where they would need a pocket sized version of the U.S. Constitution?
  • Rain is awesome, but the threat of rain followed by no rain is simply cruel.
  • French fries will always be awesome.
  • WHY does my husband continue to use the same dry cleaners that not only returns clothes smelling like mildew, but they also have a weird pressed imprint on the front of the shirts? 
  • When you buy a card from an actual Hallmark store, they give you this really cool gold sticker to seal the card with. For some reason this makes the card 500 times better than if you’d purchased it at Walgreens or Kroger. 
  • Even though I’m in currently in the best shape of my life, and I’ve lost a substantial amount of weight; I still find myself constantly wondering why I can’t do better. Where is all the negative thinking coming from? It’s exhausting. 
  • I’m already trying to tell myself that there’s no reason to be nervous with our upcoming flight to Europe. I sometimes get nervous on planes and it’s annoying me.
  • Why do strapless bras always leave your boobs looking strangely distorted? 
  • I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Mozilla Firefox compared to IE.
  • I’m pretty sure our dogs think we love them less on the rare occasion when we make them stay outside at night.
  • We truly have the best neighbors anyone could ask for right now. They’re awesome.

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